Silicon Valley runs at fast-forward speed and it’s easy to let health fall by the wayside in order to squeeze in extra hours at the office. And that’s before time spent commuting, parenting, caring for pets, or maintaining a social life.
Before joining Entefy, I was an independent consultant. I liked how it let me manage my schedule to fit in a daytime exercise class or a leisurely client lunch at a vegetarian restaurant. It was easy to maintain a healthy routine. When I decided to go back to work for a company, I assumed that my new role would disrupt my good habits. Entefy taught me that didn’t have to be the case. But that’s because Entefy is no ordinary company.
Before walking in on my first day, I was given the opportunity to come in at 10:00 a.m. That gave me time to eat breakfast, go on a jog with my Goldendoodle, and set personal goals for the day before leaving for the office. I started my day feeling accomplished.
Once I entered the office, I immediately noticed Entefy’s active stance towards healthy living. The company has created an environment that fosters personal connections, allows relaxation and renewal, and promotes nutritious diets, all at the same time.
There is a small (and growing) group of us at our headquarters on any given day. Arwen, our office manager and fairy godmother, manages a complex combination of dietary requirements yet still selects foods that are both nourishing and tasty. She always makes sure that we have a selection of meat options, salads, gluten-free items, and vegetarian dishes. We feel comfortable being able to choose what we eat. And by eating together communally, away from our screens, we do so mindfully.
Entefy made choices early on to establish an environment of healthy living. Work hours are flexible, letting team members fit life’s obligations into their schedules. The company also provides full health care benefits for employees and, equally important, their families. And then there are the family-friendly events where we all get together at a park to share a sunny day.
It’s no surprise Entefyers refer to ourselves as a family. I feel the closeness, camaraderie, and mutual support. It turns out that hard work and personal fulfillment can go hand-in-hand.
To your health,