The future of cryptocurrency trading is here

Coins currently available
1 Million
Coin price forecasts available daily
Crypto exchanges supported

Cryptocurrencies are bought and sold 24/7/365 and subject to significant volatility. Keeping track of all the relevant pricing trends, “alt-coin” activity, trading pairs, and errant tweets around the world is an impossible task for any individual. Mimi AI Crypto Market Intelligence manages all that activity and complexity, so you don’t have to. Mimi AI Crypto Market Intelligence monitors crypto exchange transactions in real-time, analyzes market news, social media, and more, to support human traders, funds, and financial systems with minute-by-minute price forecasts, market sentiment analysis, and buy-sell recommendations across a multi-coin portfolio. Use Mimi AI Crypto Market Intelligence to:
- Automatically track changes in movement & earnings potential across multiple coins, time ranges, trading intervals, and more
- Quickly assess coin volatility over time with ML-based historical trade classifications
- Monitor market trades to de-noise coin price fluctuations
- Enable multi-interval price forecasting using Mimi AI
- Separate trade recommendations and earnings potential scores by trade direction, historical volatility, commission rates, and more
- Connect accounts on popular exchanges
- Easily manage lists of favorite coins
- Enable ‘autonomous mode’ on portions of your coin portfolio for complete autonomous trading using Mimi AI
- Track Mimi model performance with up-to-date model accuracy and automatic backtesting across multiple historical trailing windows
- Analyze news feeds and social media with MimiLanguage for sentiment, key entities, and more
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Intelligence cryptocurrency price tracking
Move away from static OHLC and messy candlestick plots. Take advantage of Mimi AI price tracking services which use the power of machine learning to classify OHLC data into easily understandable classes for filtering out noisy signals and overall flat movement. With every score relative to a specific coin, there’s no risk of missing critical coin trade clusters when comparing coins of different magnitudes.
Automatic ML model backtesting and accuracy monitoring
Whether consuming Mimi recommendations in-app, via API, or by leveraging autonomous mode on your connected portfolio, Mimi tracks every decision and automatically compares it to real activity to provide the most up-to-date assessments of individual model performance. Use integrated backtesting to inform future decisions and compare fund performance against hypothetical scenarios.
Monitoring for key market signals from news and social media
While financial news plays a large role in many areas of finance such as stock markets, cryptocurrencies experience disproportionately high volatility as a direct response from influencer social media posts, news coverage, and speculative reporting. An errant tweet from a prominent figure can make or break a coin in a matter of hours. Keeping track of all this activity is unfeasible for any individual, so let MimiLanguage do the work. Mimi AI Crypto Market Intelligence connects to popular news sources, social media platforms, and specialty RSS feeds, ingesting large volumes of text to automatically rate market sentiment, track key topics, and directly inform Mimi forecasts.
Fully autonomous machine learning recommendations for coin trading and portfolio balancing
Mimi AI Crypto Market Intelligence is powered by advanced Mimi AI-optimized Compute Infrastructure to train financial ML models automatically and generate coin price forecasts, portfolio distributions, and trade recommendations at speed and scale. Simply select your target trading interval rate and let Mimi take care of the rest. Consume Mimi recommendations to inform your own trades and strategies or enable autonomous mode.
Real-time integration with popular crypto exchanges
Mimi AI Crypto Market Intelligence supports accounts on multiple popular exchanges. Sync balances, portfolio composition, historical orders, and more. Wish to leverage Mimi decisions with an exchange that’s missing from our list? Just consume Mimi forecast recommendations via Mimi AI Crypto Market Intelligence APIs with your Bot or custom program of choice.
Advanced market dashboards to help track pricing, volatility, news, and more
Visualize coin exchange activity, financial news, social media, model backtest results, portfolio status, and more using plotted graphs, interactive visualizations, or output directly in JSON for consumption by other Entefy services or external applications.
Key Features
Instantly transform your normal desk into an intelligent cryptocurrency trading floor with real-time coin activity monitoring, customizable dashboards, and AI-powered trade decision automation hooked up to the most popular exchanges.
- Multi-interval support for market analysis, outlook forecasts, trade cohorts, and more
- Native integration with multiple popular crypto market exchanges
- Autonomous mode for automated AI trade processing
- Minute-by-minute pricing updates for available coins
- In-app logging, notifications, and alerts
- Support for Single Sign-On (SSO) with user directory services
- Enhanced SLA options available
- Rendered data visualizations including plotted charts and interactive graphs
- Rich data exportability options
- Support for customized data blocks
- Compatibility with other Entefy components, models, services, and libraries
- Compatible with Mimi AI Model Library
- Automatic user state synchronization across sessions & edge devices