Often the value of advice is not the advice itself, but the insights you discover on your own when thinking about it. So we thought we’d share some of the “mantras” that inspire us in and out of the office. Not as advice, but simply as food for thought. Mantras are, after all, small bits of wisdom that can have outsized impact. And our mantras keep us centered in any circumstance.
Entefy is charting new terrain to reach the top of technology’s Mount Everest, the universal communicator for everyone and everything. Our mantras illuminate the path. Here’s an example: When we set short- and long-term goals, we think about how those goals sync with our belief in leadership and the importance of “firsts, mosts, & bests.”
Mantras serve another important purpose. They’re a compact way for us to pass along our beliefs to new team members. They keep every Entefyer seamlessly aligned, despite our different skill sets and different projects. We recognize that we’re better together as a high-performance family.
And with that, here are 11 Entefy mantras, in no particular order, that reflect who we are and the way we view the world.
1. Leadership is defined by firsts, mosts, & bests
2. Failure is the entry ticket to success
3. Think impact first
4. People not protocols
5. Better is better
6. Technology should be life compatible
7. Quality is universal
8. Communication should always be free
9. We are better together
10. People-centric everything
11. There’s elegance in simplicity
So there you have it. What are the words of wisdom that inspire you in your life and career?